Thursday, July 16, 2009

These Trying Times

Never has there been greater potential for human prosperity, longevity, and liberty than has been brought forth by technology for the dissemination of ideas than today. Yet, in the country that consecrated freedom, a force has emerged that seeks to rob us of our blood-earned blessing and make us dependent from the cradle to the grave. Every policy position is borne on the wings of a "crisis", from the chimera of global warming to the supposed health care debacle which must be addressed posthaste. There is no time for cool-headed deliberation or debate about the immediate need for reform-we must act now and worry about the details and consequences later. Exaggerate the necessity, use your media flacks to advance the effort, deceive the public about the cost, both monetary and in freedom lost and chalk up another victory for Dear Leader. We have a new breed of "leap before they look" Democrats controlling both House and Senate-more eager to please the ruler than anxious about re-election, figuring with McCain-Feingold and ACORN that their incumbency is so well protected that they need not worry about challengers and absolutely cavalier about the damage they are doing to the country. I never imagined we as a nation were susceptible to a cult of personality dictator, but with a putty media and a rubber stamp Congress willing to broach no dissent-we find ourselves with an autocrat. We are allowing Obama to end the experiment in liberty that gave flesh to the ideas of Locke. We are giving away choice, grasping dependency, and leaving our children less free.

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