Sunday, December 7, 2008

Rose Colored Glasses

Rice and Obama featured on the punditry programs this morning. In Rice's case, she continues to promote the virtues of what has to be regarded as the worst Republican administration since Hoover (if not ever). But what else would she tell Chris Wallace? Perhaps the blood and treasure expended were justified, but even so, they helped drain the coffers of the nation and put the opposition party in power. The new socialist leader also propounded his Utopian vision of New New Deal a la FDR. I just can't wait for the bureaucrat to arrive at my door with my energy consumption meter. This is something that would have made Stalin "green" with envy. How much government intrusiveness will formerly free Americans be willing to take? And don't look to weak as water Republicans like my own Senator Alexander to stand in Obama's way. On reducing carbon footprints, Lamar agrees with Barry. They will have a love fest and an era of good feelings at the cost of our liberty. Perhaps it is time for a third party, one with only conservatives in its ranks.

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