Monday, December 8, 2008

For the Birds

Homing pigeons, honing skills/ Soaring sun ward with all the thrills/ Visions of vistas a mile below/ And always knowing just where to go/ The carrier pigeon has a steady job/ Unlike the murder of crows, that unruly mob/ A parrot may speak but that makes a liar/ A peacock won't know if its tail is on fire/ I don't really think that the owl's all that wise/ If he were a human, he'd ask "Do you want fries?"/ The turkey's name says it all/ Not so clever when it answers the hunter's call/ The eagle is our national bird/ But I doubt he understands a single word/ Does anyone understand the messenger's task?/ Well find a pigeon, then go ask/ Yes, the glory belongs to the simple pigeon/ But no one is the least bit aware, not even a smidgen.

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