Thursday, March 2, 2023

Unleash a Bloodbath

With his jihad against heretofore law-abiding gun owners, corrupt old Joe is igniting massive violence, perhaps even a revolution or civil war. The US Constitution is NOT a document Biden reveres, respects, or even follows but only an obstacle to be overcome. Please patriots, do not take the Biden bait because he and the cabal he serves want to turn the might of the US military and law enforcement on the People. I am not saying relinquish your guns or your rights under natural law that predate and trump even America's Founding Documents, but show restraint and act in concert with like-minded liberty lovers if the time comes. Otherwise, the government will pick Americans off like they did to Randy Weaver's family and friend until the weak simply surrender their weapons in the faint hope the government will leave them alone after the firearms are forfeit. 

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