Sunday, March 26, 2023

Screw the Locals

Across the Western World, with the notable exception of Hungary, governments are ignoring the desires of their own citizens to bring in foreigners and cater to them. That is right, these globalists are ignoring the needs of lifelong denizens of their own countries to put aliens on the dole. It goes beyond who is allowed in and who has their needs met, it is a giant F U to natives, as to their own so-called "leaders", they come last. This is not just limited to who is admitted into countries and how folks are treated. Everything is being done to harm ordinary working people. Gas prices are raised to fight climate change that is NOT man-caused. The vulnerable freeze in their homes as they can't afford surging heating costs. They will swelter in the summers too as they won't be able to afford to use their air conditioners. It even comes down to what is allowed to be built, where and how and with what amenities. If you are from here, they will never permit you to construct what you want in the way you want too, but they will send someone who is brought in on an NGO boat or who sneaks across a border to be catered to in a luxury hotel, because they, not you, matter. 

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