Monday, March 27, 2023

Screw the Economy

We have had a more or less free market with consumers deciding what to buy and that determining who the "winners" are. The cabal in power and the "green globalists" worldwide want to end consumer capitalism and replace it with a system where you are forced into so-called "environmentally-friendly" products that will yield them and their cronies wealth like emperors. You know they really don't believe the sky is falling because of man-caused warming or human-induced climate change because they arrive at all their conferences in private jets and then drive gas-guzzling limos and SUVs once they land. They know their activity has no influence on weather but will have a massive effect on boosting their bottom lines. They are incredibly evil and selfish people who want to punish and inhibit the quality of life of the ordinary folks in order to scam profits out of them that nobody can even imagine. They do not care if you freeze to death in your wind-powered home next winter. They only want to be sure the utility company that used to keep you warm with coal must stop using that reliable mineral and replace it with the unreliable wind turbine they manufacture. 

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