Thursday, March 30, 2023

Enemies of Reason

The DemocRAT Party has declared themselves to be the enemies of Natural Law and logic. It is all for the chemical and/or surgical mutilation of young children, who are not responsible enough to drink, to drive, or even to tattoo their bodies, but know innately at ten that they need to lop their perfectly healthy penises and testicles off or at thirteen that they are mentally-developed enough to demand "off with my breasts!" This political party also believes fervently that the criminal needs to be coddled after the commission of their offense if they happen to be from some supposedly oppressed group, but that the armed citizens must relinquish the most effective means they have to protect themselves from felons because law-breakers will of course suddenly abide by edicts and turn in their firearms right alongside the law-abiding. Gun control is NOT a tool to protect individuals or their communities but only a mailed fist authoritarians use to enhance their power and ensure that folks have little means to oppose them. I will die before I am dictated to by dunces shouting their useful idiocy unwarily in the service of despots! 

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