Friday, June 13, 2014

Watching Iraq Collapse

Seeing Iraq fall to nihilist Sunni Islamists is like watching a slow-motion replay of the fall of Saigon but with more bloodshed and more dire consequence to the world. Barack Hussein Obama has demonstrated that Jimmy Carter's failed policy can be matched or even surpassed in degree of incompetence. Carter abandoned the Shah and that led to the rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and that nation being run by radical Shiites remains a threat to this day. The Obama administration seems content to permit a Wahhab superstate to rise, stretching across Iraq and Syria. It did not seem possible that such blunders in foreign policy could be made, especially after the deaths of more than four thousand Americans in the quest to return stability to Iraq, but Obama has given back all that the American treasure spent and blood sacrificed bought us. The Middle East is at its most perilous point in history, with Iran on the precipice of a arming itself with nuclear weapons and with the Sunni fanaticism practiced by al-Qaeda about to conquer the nation we liberated from Saddam Hussein. It is amazing to say, but Syria's brutal dictator Assad looks preferable to al-Qaeda sympathizers seizing Damascus. The West has the firepower but lacks the will to thwart the seventh century atavists who are conquering the Middle East. Only Israel stands between the West and total catastrophe.

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