Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Trail Gone Cold

The three Jewish boys abducted by terrorists are still in evil hands. How do you ask for mercy in hearts that have no mercy? Do you ask the Lord to soften the hearts of implacable Jew-haters? Do you implore G-d that killers not be killers? You do not send lambs into the lion's den, but a stronger, tougher lion. Israel needs its hardest men to do all that is necessary so that Israelis may live in peace. Defeatist ideas have taken hold of the Jewish nation. Notions like the defense from rockets known as Iron Dome, where million dollar missiles are sent to intercept $70 rockets (and only manage to bring down half of them at that) are not demonstrating the will to overcome the adversary. The "cover up and take it" mentality shows a weakening will among the Jews practicing it to even survive. It should not be Jewish children quivering in bomb shelters and young Jews afraid to even leave their homes, but jihadists ducking into caves in fear of their lives as the brightest and boldest the IDF has to offer pursue them until the last terrorist who could hurt an innocent rots in his grave.

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