Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Fool's Errand

For years now, I have spoken of a process with no peace, and no real prospect of ending Muslim and Palestinian determination to wipe the Jewish State from the map. The latest interlocutor to give up the charade is Martin Indyk, who I am sure as a "court Jew" will dutifully blame his coreligionists and absolve the Palestinians for the stagnant "peace process". Arab and Muslim hatred and incitement to perpetrate a genocide against the Jews will never be mentioned in Obama administration and State Department circles. International diplomats and the main stream media will agree with Team Obama and Foggy Bottom that blame lies solely with Netanyahu and Israel's recalcitrant Right Wing. What these meddlers will never admit is the only compromise Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and the vast majority of Muslims will accept is no two state solution, no one state for two peoples, but the eradication of every breathing Jew wherever they may reside in the Holy Land. Until the last Jew bleeds out, is decapitated, perhaps crucified, or crawls as a subhuman dhimmi, enough fanatic Muslims will remain to perpetuate constant war against Jews. If the Jews are wiped out, then Sunni and Shia fanatics will merrily continue slaughtering one another, meaning the only peace that will ever come to the Middle East will be the quiet embrace of death.

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