Monday, June 23, 2014

Shalit's Inevitable Consequence(s)

Israel ransomed a captive soldier named Gilad Shalit by freeing hundreds of convicted terrorists, including murderers with "blood on their hands". In so doing, the Jewish State provided compelling motivation for more abductions of Jews by Muslims who seek to end the existence of the Jewish State. By releasing unrepentant killers whose return was celebrated by the Palestinian public, Israel created a situation where those released from confinement would certainly try to harm Jews. One of those terrorists exchanged for Shalit has now been charged with murdering an off-duty Jewish policeman during attacks that also wounded three other Jews, namely the policeman's wife and child and a Jewish child in another car. This tragic shooting spree would not have happened if the terrorists freed in exchange for Shalit had been incarcerated for their full sentences, lawfully imposed by Israeli courts. A nation can never give in to terrorists because capitulating to their demands only invites more terror. Yes, Israel has brought Shalit safely back to his family, but an innocent Jew has paid for Shalit's return to freedom with his life. By rewarding kidnappers, the Jewish State caused untold future misery.

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