Thursday, June 19, 2014

Start the Strafing

As Wahhab murderers advance and take more of Iraq, America should use air power to destroy concentrations of terrorists before they seize Baghdad. The Sunni fanatics have already consolidated power in much of Iraq. Their weakness though is columns moving without air cover. They would be easy pickings for US A-10 ground attack aircraft. America could repeat the "Highway of Death" that we saw as Saddam Hussein's forces tried to retreat from Kuwait. Even carrier-based American aircraft could ravage the Sunni jihadists with little risk. For America to break the back of those who are propagating the same beliefs as al-Qaeda, Barack Obama must unleash our forces from the air. This use of firepower would demonstrate the will to thwart the rise of a new caliphate, which is exactly why Obama will not do it. Obama is ensuring the chaos by permitting the destruction of the Old Order. We end up not with a New World Order but with wildfire Islamism and nihilist anarchy.

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