Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sensing the Surge

Tennessee has just experienced the highest number of early votes ever in a primary cycle in a non-presidential election year. This huge turnout is not because people are happy and satisfied with the conduct of incumbents or the direction of the nation. People have thronged to vote out of a sense of frustration and anger. All one needs do is look at the right track-wrong track poll numbers nationally to see the electorate has never been madder (and with good reason). A recent poll showed approval of Congress at an all-time low of eleven percent. The public sees the nation as we have known her slipping away as President Obama destroys hope but keeps his change pledge in altering the United States from a free market capitalist Constitutional republic into a socialist central planning (rule of the mob) democracy. An aroused America will do all it can to prevent Obama from achieving the fundamental transformation of the United States.

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