Tuesday, January 6, 2009

War Against Israel

Much of the international media is engaged in deliberate incitement against Israel and is sparking violence against world Jewry even in places thousands of miles from the conflict on the ground in Gaza. In Denmark, two Jews are wounded in an attack, a Toulouse, France synagogue is damaged by arson, Jews face street confrontations across Europe and none of these recent victims has any suasion over or responsibility for IDF actions. They are bearing the brunt of absolutely collective punishments of the innocent who just happen to share the same faith as the beleaguered Israelis. Last night, I watched a female BBC anchor berate the Israeli Ambassador to the UN in an inquisition that would surely have pleased Torquemada. This scree was issued by someone who is either a Jew hater or a fool who does not recognize that war is an inherently violent enterprise. Every Hamas rocket launched at Israel is intended to kill. Kassams are not symbolic. The British suffered under Nazi bombing during World War II. Should Arthur "Bomber" Harris have aimed for a proportional response or should he have done whatever was necessary to defeat Germany? In the event, the bombing campaign mounted by the Royal Air Force was much more deadly and destructive than what the Luftwaffe had wrought. An objective analysis of IDF conduct throughout the history of the Israeli state reveals exemplary conduct, and this action of self-defense in Gaza is certainly necessary and has been orchestrated as much as is possible to minimize Palestinian suffering.

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