Wednesday, December 2, 2020

No Widespread Fraud

I was struck by Attorney General Barr's statement about there being "no widespread fraud" in the Presidential election. As we found out from Bill Clinton, it is essential to define your terms. Was there election cheating in all fifty states? I do not know, but I do know that massive fraud in a few states would be enough to shift the outcome. The cabal behind corrupt old Biden is not stupid. They would not attempt to steal states where they had little legitimate chance for a Biden win. They did just as much as they needed to deprive seventy million plus Americans of their real choice by supplanting their voices with those of dead and nonexistent "voters" and folks whose single vote was counted more than once. You don't need to sell everyone narcotics to be a drug dealer, and you don't need to manipulate the vote in every state to illicitly secure the US Presidency.

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