Sunday, December 27, 2020

Elegant Managed Decline

If the Usurper is sworn into office, America will suffer because it will be run by a cabal that hates the United States as founded and plans to make sure our best days are behind us. Red China may well overtake us as the leading economy because that is the way Biden and those pulling his strings want it. "Build back better" is a meaningless slogan being blurted out by those who intend to tie industry's proverbial hands behind its back with climate change regulation, shut down small business with COVID lokdowns, and help our enemies prosper while we fail. How many steaks will you eat trading carbon credits, from cattle whose flatulence will be deemed criminal, kept in refrigerators that no longer keep food cool because of the consitent California-style blackouts, when all we have left for power generation is wind and solar?

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