Friday, August 21, 2020

An Empty Vessel

Sometimes a politician is an empty vessel into which you can project whatever positive attributes you desire. In the case of Joe Biden, you have more of a four decade failure who needs to be spoon-fed an oft-rehearsed script on a teleprompter would be far too detrimental to him to deliver live. It must certainly be taped and probably heavily edited. Considering his supporters include Hollywood elite directors, editors, and producers, it is no surprise that they can present something seamless that makes old Joe appear cogent, even when any live interaction demonstrates that he clearly is not. You can reelect Trump who is still vibrant, both physically and mentally, or you can vote for Biden, who at his best was never any good and now will merely be a figurehead for the sinister Leftists pulling his strings, at least until he abdicates in favor of Kamala Harris and her puppet-masters.

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