Sunday, July 12, 2015

To Praise Hillary

I have never seen a candidate for public office in the United States be so able to dominate the news cycle without any achievements to speak of and without having to answer any probing questions as Ms. Clinton is. While Hillary may not be beloved by the voting public, the mainstream media certainly loves and protects her. The partisan press even let Hillary campaign operatives literally lasso them. She leads these pitiful flacks around by the short hairs, but they do not even have the sense to complain about it. Hillary is as much of a liar as her husband but she is not as artful in her perpetual deceit as Bill is. Will Hillary ever be put on the spot by a reporter about the Benghazi massacre? I doubt it. If she had an "R" after her name, do you think the press would be as malleable as they are with her? Do you think any GOP contenders will receive the same kid glove treatment and lack of scrutiny Clinton enjoys?

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