Friday, July 3, 2015

On Humans Being

I can not imagine how I could be a member of the same species as Islamic State (IS) terrorists. They may look like human beings, but that similarity in appearance is where comparison ends. In this enlightened (or perhaps not so enlightened) day and age, how can children be crucified to death for breaking the Ramadan fast? Who could chop of the arms of a grieving mother reaching for her murdered babies? IS thugs can and did and filmed the sadistic spectacle to upload to the World Wide Web. This display is cruelty for cruelty's sake, not religious devotion. Where are the armies of the West hunting down these barbarians? Where are Western leaders marshaling the forces of good to smash this evil. The spineless Western leaders are not even using their bully pulpits to warn their citizenry that this atavism must be fought? Obama and Cameron are bloodless, soulless empty suits who sanitize the horrors inflicted by IS because they lack the will to do what it takes to defeat this mad Wahhabi jihad.

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