Friday, July 17, 2015

Thoughts on Chattanooga

A murderer clearly motivated by religious fanaticism slaughtered US Marines who were inexplicably not allowed to carry arms on their military stations. A gap of seven minutes elapsed between a shooting attack on a recruiting station, where one man was wounded, and the navy base where all the fatalities occurred. I wonder if any warning or alert was issued to potential targets after the first attack. If so, would the Marines not have had warning to either lock down their post or arm themselves? Every military installation or recruiting center should have an officer of the day, a non-com, or an enlisted man (or woman) equipped with a loaded sidearm. Other military personnel should have the option of carry an issued firearm or their personal weapon. By giving them that choice, they would at least have the chance to defend themselves when (not "if" because it is bound to happen again at some point) the next attack occurs. We give our military the responsibility of defending our nation. We have an obligation to give members of our military the chance to defend themselves.

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