Thursday, May 28, 2015

Some Warped Priorities

Listening to the Glenn Beck program this morning, I found out several members of the US House of Representatives want to give free college to prison inmates by way of Pell Grants. Mike Broomhead, who was filling in for Glenn, went on to describe how, as this free school for felons was being put forward, veterans of the United States armed forces were losing access to some of their opportunities for higher education. We should educate any veteran who seeks college before we offer benefits to offenders. We should also educate citizens and withhold in-state tuition breaks (and I would even say college admission) to those who are not even legally in the country. The taxpayer should be under no obligation to pay for those who have been caught breaking the law or those who sneak-in from abroad. Do you think an American could illegally enter Mexico, rob a Mexican bank, and then expect the Mexican taxpayers to pay his way through university?

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