Sunday, May 3, 2015

Enemy of Good

"Never let the perfect be the enemy of the good" is an expression that has existed in politics for quite a while. This timeworn statement speaks to the virtue of compromise. It is one of the main reasons GOP Presidential nominees tend to be moderate. Those moderate Republican candidates for President tend to lose. America does not need another progressive GOP seeker of the Oval Office to carry the 2016 banner. McCain and Romney were centrists and they lost. What the Republican party needs is a seachange. The GOP must nominate an authentic conservative and that aspirant must win the White House to reverse the steamrolling socialist course the Democrats and GOP moderates have the nation taking. I am absolutely confident Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, or libertarian conservative Rand Paul could save our country. I am less certain Marco Rubio or Scott Walker will hold with the conservative principles the US needs to stop the bleeding. I am absolutely certain Jeb Bush and Chris Christie will not uphold the founding values of our nation as they are no more than Democrat-lite. Vote right to prevent America slipping further into night.

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