Sunday, August 24, 2014

Victims and Villains

Millions of lives are at risk not due to drought or disease, famine or flood, but intentional human action sparked by religious intolerance. There is no rational basis for this bloodletting. A certain portion of the Sunnis feel that they must kill those who worship differently. These jihadists certainly do not constitute a majority of Muslims or even Sunni Muslims, but there is no mass protest of their murderous actions by the Muslim majority. In part, this silence is sparked by fear. If only a few Muslims speak out against Islamist outrages, they make themselves targets of those Islamists. What is needed is a critical mass of decent Muslims to rise up in unison to demand ISIS and similar nihilist organizations using Islam as a cover for wanton slaughter stop killing innocents in the name of faith. The shared faith of two billion people can not be represented by Nazis who abuse the Koran to justify mass murder.

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