Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Same Old Menu

Jihad yesterday, jihad today, jihad tomorrow, jihad forever- these sentiments resound across the Middle East- and were seen in the barbaric beheading video. I demur from President Barack Hussein Obama in his contention that the murder had nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with nihilism. The motivation of ISIS matters. The reason they murder is their sense of religious obligation. This fanatical devotion, this bloodthirsty fervor is performed because these terrorists believe they are doing Allah's bidding. Whatever other Koranic authorities contend, these jihadists do not think they are doing evil, but doing good by fulfilling a sacred duty. This murderous mentality can not be negotiated with but must be defeated militarily by the West. If the West lacks the will to fight, the battle is left to America. If the US will not stand, only Israel is left to uphold Western values and try to thwart international jihad, Islamism, and the creation of the Caliphate.

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