Sunday, August 3, 2014

Israel Declaring Victory

It seems that Netanyahu is pulling up short yet again. Israel is winding down the operation in Gaza long before Hamas is eradicated, with Hamas not even sensing that they have been beaten. Israel has destroyed many tunnels, but it seems some tunnels, even infiltration tunnels into Israel, may remain unscathed. It is possible that some tunnels might remain undetected for months, and Israel can evidently not sustain the criticism that it is already receiving for that long. The duration of the Gaza campaign has been tied to international public opinion, and Israel has already lost in that arena, even in the minds of Israel's leadership, who have been abandoned by the Obama administration and subjected to almost universal criticism. With threats of war crimes trials and a mounting toll of IDF dead, Netanyahu is not pressing on but pulling back. I had hoped steel will and resolve would guide Israel to victory, but apparently, Israel now lacks that, while evil, genocidal Hamas has that determination to prevail in spades.

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