Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Republicans Left Me

The first vote I ever cast was in 1984 for Ronald Wilson Reagan. Reagan was a Democrat early in his political life, but he famously declared, "I did not leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me". I was glad to support the Republican Party based on its fidelity to bedrock conservative principles. If Reagan were alive today, I do not think he would recognize or could countenance the new GOP. I will never again vote for Alexander or Corker, my woeful Republican US Senators, but I will not call them RINOs because they are not Republican in name only but exemplify exactly how progressive the GOP has become today. The Democrats are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left and are mostly socialist with some like New York City's new mayor being essentially Communist in their outlook. The Republican Party though is thoroughly infested with progressives who are hardly different from Democrats. Reagan would weep to see what his Party and his nation are becoming.

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