Monday, December 9, 2013

Glory Is Gone

The apex of American power, when adversaries trembled at the thought of confronting the USA, was at the conclusion of the Second World War. The Korean Conflict, fought to a draw under Democrat Harry Truman, put paid to that power. The notion of our greatness was further sullied by our loss in Vietnam. Then, Iran brought us still lower by seizing our embassy. The nadir had to be Jimmy Carter's attempt to rescue those Americans held captive in Tehran that failed tragically and monumentally. Ronald Reagan rekindled our "can do" spirit, and we emerged, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as the world's last superpower. Democrat Presidents Clinton and Obama squandered that by asserting a peace dividend and under that rationale, gutting our strategic advantage. We may now be a second-rate power, unable even to defend ourselves from rising Communist China, and allowing Iran to become a menace to the Middle East. America was once the economic and technological powerhouse of the world. That dynamism is gone now as well. I know our decline could be reversed but am waiting for the leader to reverse that course and put America back on the path to greatness.

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