Saturday, December 14, 2013

An Accomplished Liar

Bill Clinton was thought by many to have mastered the art of prevarication and taken it to levels transcending even Nixon. Some thought Barack Hussein Obama was that rare bird of an honest politician, but in the event, he has shown less candor about matters much more important than anyone's peccadilloes regarding personal conduct with an intern. Obama said that under the Affordable Care Act, families would pay twenty-five hundreds dollars less a year for their medical insurance. That would be nice, but it is not happening. Most families find their medical insurance costs are rising. Obama said if you liked your doctor, you could keep him. That appears to be another falsehood as well. Finally, and most egregiously, Obama said if we liked our existing medical insurance plans we could keep them. Eighty-five percent of Americans who had medical insurance coverage did like their coverage but very few of them are being allowed to keep those plans which Team Obama now calls "substandard plans". I think Barack Obama can hold his own when it comes to deliberately deceiving the voters with any politician.

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