Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ski Mask Nation

Pondering the blizzard in the Northeast, I am left to remember an experience I had years back in a restaurant here as snow started to fall across Nashville. I saw a rail-thin girl pick at her order and wondered how an Ethiopian of the same age, in that country at the time that was experiencing one of what seemed were endemic famines, would have savored each morsel. I thought how eating disorders must be contained within the developed world, as in developing countries, there could be no indulging in such self-destructive behavior, with nature seeming to conspire to destroy so much without them. After dinner, we raced to our nearby grocery to buy milk and bread that we really did not need. I hope my countrymen up East have provided for themselves, because with two feet of snow trapping them, they are contending with conditions Nashville has never seen.

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