Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Their Expectations Fading

All but the most ardent Obama supporters must now recognize that Barack Hussein Obama has not fulfilled his campaign promise to be "a uniter, not a divider". Obama has pitted legal immigrants, who must go to enormous and expensive effort to dot every "i" and cross all their "t"s in massive red tape paperwork, against gatecrashers, who simply sneak into the country, by rewarding young illegal aliens with what is essentially amnesty. Obama has deliberately set the poor against those better off by employing the rhetoric of class warfare and the tax policy that backs soaking the rich, who after all, create most of the private sector jobs. Obama has turned those who have lapsed on their mortgage payments or even those who made little effort to pay at all) against those who diligently send their checks or are at least are trying mightily to, making those trying to do the honorable thing into absolute suckers. Most dangerously of all, our first so-called "post-racial" President has fostered dissension between blacks and whites when it serves his political ends as in voter ID laws are propagated to surpress the black vote and a race-baiter like Eric Holder is allowed to continue to serve as his Attorney General of the United States, though by all appearances Holder has dropped the ball by allowing the "gun walking" that facilitated the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

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