Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Little Sheeple

In a fabled land, sea cows out of curiosity gravitate toward human swimmers. Then ridiculous park rangers blare orders for the people who are in the water their taxes pay to maintain to exit the water that they came to enjoy. The visitors are told Federal regulation forbids them to swim with manatees but one must wonder why the guests must leave the water when the manatees are the ones swimming to them and not the other way round. The huge water mammals glide effortlessly about while the human guests must struggle against the St. Johns River current to avoid contact with the animal who is actually in control of the situation and heading to the person who is after all much less able to maneuver in the water than an animal who leads its life in that natural environment. What a spectacle: Watching a ranger from the state of Florida enforce incredibly stupid Federal law by berating the people that pay her salary.

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