Sunday, July 22, 2012

Constitution Under Assault

As predictable as thunder following lightning, the gun banners are out in force attempting to exploit the Aurora massacre to deprive the law-abiding of their Constitutional rights as enunciated in the Second Amendment. Our freedom is of course God-given and predates the Constitution. The framers were merely echoing what they knew to be Natural Law with our Bill of Rights. I am appalled but not surprised by the Mike Bloombergs and Dianne Feinsteins of the world just waiting for any pretext to snatch liberty away while they will always have ample armed protection around them and their loved ones to ward off threat. These adversaries of freedom embody the sort of hypocrisy that must be exposed and combated by every lover of liberty. If the Second Amendment is threatened with so-called "common sense" restrictions on the right of gun ownership, then all too soon, the First Amendment will be eroded with calls for "common sense" restrictions on speech, like forbidding criticism of our Federal masters. After all, we serfs might be inflamed if someone was to point out just how despicable our political class has become. What sickens me is hearing the neoconservative William Kristol on today's Fox News Sunday joining the political hacks in calling for stripping our liberty. Does he not know that those who would squeeze the life out of the Second Amendment are equally eager to gut the First?

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