Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Happening Town

Detroit, Michigan was once the roaring dynamo that propelled American prosperity. Detroit was the center of the automotive industry which was the heart of manufacturing in the United States. The companies involved were so flexible that they were able to retool quickly to become the arsenal of democracy for World War II, and so vigorous that after the wartime production of arms and armament ended, they were able to bounce back into automobile production without missing a beat. The vehicles that they produced turned America into the most mobile nation that there has ever been. Detroit even boasted one of the country's most highly regarded restaurants, Lester Gruber's internationally-acclaimed London Chop House. After several decades of Democratic (mis)rule there, all that is left are the memories. The latest affront to logic that Democrats have come up with there, after tearing down abandoned properties did little to help, is to pay people to move into downtown Detroit. Somehow, I doubt the offer will attract many pioneers of the sort who could actually help salvage or bring back the city. In the coming decades, all that may be left is a giant Federal border crossing into Windsor. Detroit has sadly become a former happening town that happens to be disappearing.

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