Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Window on Taiwan

The author hopes sincerely that this is no more than one more paranoid rambling, and declares this commentary is a worst case scenario. What if the current tension on the Korean peninsula has been orchestrated by Communist China to deflect America's attention and resources away from Taiwan to enable the People's Republic of China to finally make a move against the Republic of China essentially unopposed beyond the meager means that Taiwan can muster on her own? What better time to consolidate the authority of Red China than when the US is led by Barack Hussein Obama who is palpably weak in foreign relations with American forces already involved in war in two nations than to start hostilities against Formosa right after our already limited forces are about to be forced to confront a third front in Korea? The Communist Chinese could win in a walkover with a US leader loathe to confront the People's Republic and having basically forsworn the use of nukes against Red China which would be the only weapons that could make a difference.

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