Tuesday, May 25, 2010

March of Evil

North Korea, Iran, even Jamaica man are in the throes of darkness. North Korea is led by a narcissistic madman who routinely starves and executes his own people and is kept in power by cult of personality thugs. Apparently, enslaving his own nation was not enough; so he evidently ordered an attack on a South Korean vessel that murdered forty-six (46). Kim Jong-il now seems bent on enveloping the peninsula in a war perhaps, stoking the fires of a wider war involving Japan and of course, the DMZ-committed United States of America. Iran continues to build nukes and threaten to annihilate Israel. Either the Koreas or the Middle East could ignite at any moment, sparking a real World War III that would make the war on terror look like child's play. And now even a tourist paradise has gone rogue with a drug lord in Jamaica fighting the lawful authority in the streets. His name is (really) Christopher Coke- sounds like a Bond villain out of Ian Fleming or a character out of a Tarantino movie, but he is all too real and wanted for drug and weapon trafficking by the United States. We can not even go to the beach anymore without worrying our all-over tan will turn into an atomic glow.

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