Monday, May 17, 2010

Go Vote Tomorrow

The last few weeks have been tumultuous in Middle Tennessee with the flood, the damage many of us sustained, and the beginnings of the slow process of recovery, but remember we have an opportunity and a civic duty with tomorrow's election. Please take the time if you have the chance to vote  tomorrow for Juvenile Court Clerk and again in August in the Republican primary and cast your lot with the "conscientious conservative" Lonnie Spivak. In the gubernatorial race, I stand with Ron Ramsey although I would readily vote for fellow legitimate conservative Zach Wamp. Let us just hope these two excellent candidates do not split the conservative vote, leaving the nomination in the hands of Bill Haslam, who has all the makings of a Lamar Alexander moderate. If you are not in the hospital or still pumping water out of your house, please go vote. 

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