Saturday, January 16, 2010

Save Michael Behenna

An American hero, an elite soldier, a volunteer, and patriot has been imprisoned not by terrorist captors but by the very government that had sent Michael Behenna into battle. His crime? The young officer shot an al Qaeda member with the blood of Americans on his hands as the terrorist rushed him, yet for defending himself, Michael is confined with common murderers. This story first came to my attention on Michael Savage's website and was further elucidated by a link on Savage to Phil Brennan's excellent piece on this American travesty. If justice still means anything in this country, the twenty year sentence Behenna is facing must be reversed and this officer who willingly risked his life on our behalf should be fully exonerated. Please send a letter of support to Michael Behenna #87503, 1300 N. Warehouse Road, Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-2304 and if you are able contribute to his defense fund, through the link on

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