Saturday, January 2, 2010

Napolitano Must Go

There is talk that in the wake of the security failures that led to the Christmas bombing on the Amsterdam to Detroit flight that heads will roll. First and foremost amongst those who should be terminated is the woeful Janet Napolitano. This is not merely a matter of atmospherics or appearance for the Homeland Security Secretary- the stakes are simply too high in human lives to tolerate such incompetence at such a high level. Napolitano definitively proclaimed that the Christmas terror event was "an isolated incident" and suggested that the perpetrator was a lone terrorist engaged in more or less spontaneous jihad, but this was no self-starter but a trained and deployed soldier of the al Qaeda affiliate in Yemen. He was exactly opposite of what Napolitano so confidently declared he was. The Secretary already permitted her agency to be politicized with conservative Obama opponents being deemed dangerous and worthy of special scrutiny. Napolitano is a political hack well over her head where mortal danger is concerned.

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