Friday, January 1, 2010

Fear New Year

The talk so bold from the national scold/ Who we were told/ Would lead us to Utopia/ Millions out of work- so many foreclosed and out in the cold/ But he is immune, aloof, and ever haughty/ If Obama was Republican, the caustic press would call him "President Dispossession"/ But spinning to further Obama's success is the dinosaur media's obsession/ He is casting US down a socialist hole/ Trying to force the rest of us on the dole/ Rendering dislocation and more recession/ Perhaps accompanied by oppression and maybe a brand new Great Depression/ But it is not too late to resist/ A patriot can still raise a fist/ Against the young usurper who after all, said himself "Get in their faces"/ He will not put us through our paces/ Or like we are incorrigible children, put us in our places/ This faux "Great Unifier" who divides the races/ Throughout history in this world, free men have known how to handle such rotten cases.

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