Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Profession's Suicide

Journalism was once an esteemed institution. From muckrakers exposing America's ills to Ernie Pyle and Edward R. Murrow bringing World War II back to America's sitting rooms, reporters earned trust and admiration. My how they have descended into the mire. On ABC's Nightline, the profession sank to its tabloid nadir with a story "promoting" pornography for women last night, complete with exhibitionist couples dumb enough to pay for a class in which to display their perversion. Repulsive. Journalists are now openly showing contempt for the political right and outright lobbying for Obama care (see my previous post-Nancy Snyderman Marxist of July 2) or Tim Johnson's slobbering Obama advocacy. The dinosaur media no longer investigates but trots out hackneyed Democrat talking points or references reports favorable to Obama care from supposedly neutral organization which hides its "probama" bias rather than walking it in the open air like the network reporters. If a TV reporter is going to rely on an organization like Fact Check to keep the debate honest-what in the hell is the reporter there for-window dressing? Go out and read the House bill for yourself, reporters, you can read, can't you? Ratings must be tanking for slime like the Nightline porn story to air to "arouse" some interest. With issues of moment, real and lasting consequence, covered only to "debunk" the right with insults about "teabaggers" and "birfers", the media is committing malpractice, not by negligence but by acts of commission. They have picked Obama's side.

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