Sunday, August 30, 2009

Eleanor Clift Idiot

Rarely do I call out a member of the dinosaur media by name. The last time I did was to denounce Nancy Snyderman's overt, partisan endorsement of Obama care. Today, I feel compelled to counter a statement made on this weekend's McLaughlin Group by Eleanor Clift. In praising Obama's massive expansion of Federal education funding and a new phony "competitiveness" initiative, pitting states against each other for Federal education dollars, she said that if Truman entered today's classroom, he would recognize it as it has not really changed since 1945. What planet is Clift living on? Did she not hear about Vice President Gore's program to wire every classroom for Internet access during the Clinton administration? Has she heard of Head Start and No Child Left Behind? Today's classroom does not resemble 1945's-it is integrated, multicultural, and technological. Our schools may be failing us, but it is factually incorrect and intellectually lazy (at the least) to say our classrooms have not changed since Truman.

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