Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Kevorkian Brigades

Plenty of consternation has been generated by the Democrat foray to provide universal health coverage. Some on the left are mocking the concerns of opponents, saying they are creating heat but no light and even accusing citizens involved enough to attend town hall meetings of "carrying swastikas" (Pelosi) and being un-American (Hoyer and Pelosi). This kind of jibe along with bashing Sarah Palin for warning of "death panels" while the President holds orchestrated town halls of his own with handpicked supporters, undermines the initiative and fuels anger in broad swathes of the American public. The aged, who in the past have largely supported Democrats, are justly leery. There is a provision for "end of life counseling" that includes financial incentives for doctors to secure living wills or hospice care for patients. Obama has ridiculed the proposition of euthanasia with "no one is going to pull the plug on granny", but denying someone a life extending procedure due to actuarial statistics not justifying the cost is effective euthanasia. Granny will never be on that ventilator because she expired after being denied a heart bypass-either way granny is just as dead. There are all sorts of logical reasons to stand against Obama care from rationing to longer waits for service, to being forced to pay for abortions, to an edict reported by martial arts actor Chuck Norris in that social workers or other government child welfare experts would have warrantless access to the homes of expecting parents and parents with children. Without even considering the eugenic and euthanasia potential of this monstrosity, there is plenty to carp about. If this passes, you could go to bed one night in America and wake up the next day in a horrifying semblance of Hitler's Germany. I am worried that a spoonful of Obama care will make the life expectancy and human liberty go down.

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