Sunday, June 28, 2009

On the Horizon

Israel's leadership must be waking to the realization that through no fault of their own, their nation is rapidly achieving international pariah status. It must be dawning on Netanyahu, even as negotiation for the release of Gilad Shalit in exchange for over one thousand prisoners including some with "blood on their hands", that the emboldened Hamas is rearmed after the Gaza conflict and has become fully an Iranian proxy. Another attack dog of Iran, Hizballah, is seething in Lebanon that they did not carry the elections and Lebanese authorities recently discovered twenty Katyusha rockets aimed at Israel and prevented their launch. Iran sweeps the streets of protests against the manipulated election there and crushes dissent with violence directed against her own citizens not seen on the world stage since the Myanmar (Burma) crackdown. The Obama administration has removed Israel's umbrella of US protection and is lifting a shovel to bury Israel in a grave of suicide borders with an overtly hostile Palestinian nation being created in Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem. Any Israeli concessions now only add fuel to the fire and ironically make war more likely. There is no way for Israel to defuse the tension as Iran devotes huge national resources not in pursuit merely of nuclear energy, but to weaponize as Ahmadinejad overtly declares his intention to "wipe Israel off the map". Even today, the Jerusalem Post reports Syria threatened war to "liberate" Golan. Israel is being placed in an untenable position not so much by the actions of Palestinians, Arabs, or even Iran, but by the backstabbing Obama administration who will do nothing to protect Israel and will condemn or thwart any Israeli actions of self-defense. Is it not ironic that eighty plus percent of American Jews who voted, selected Obama over McCain and helped put an adversary of Israel on the scale of another Jimmy Carter into the Oval Office?

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