Monday, June 1, 2009

Good Riddance Tiller

An abortionist, who made a fortune preying on the most innocent, was killed as his presence soiled a church (no congregation that would tolerate an active, open mass murderer in its ranks should be called a church) on Sunday. He had terminated hundreds if not thousands of pregnancies. He is now facing the righteous wrath of the Lord with an eternity of damnation. Good riddance to bad rubbish. The media remarked on the baby killer's large family, ironic considering how many births never happened and how many children were never able to raise families of their own because of Tiller's actions. Some may suggest that perhaps, if the families of the murder mill owners felt as imperiled as the murderers themselves, there would be less abortion, but a civilized approach of changing hearts and minds is the course that the moral compass dictates.

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