Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chicken Little Syndrome

Apologists for the Obama administration and busybodies who want to control your life are creating artificial crisis after crisis to mobilize the gullible and create momentum for more government overreach. The environmental wackos just brought forth more information to galvanize opinion against industry, automobiles (powered vehicles generally), power generation and consumption. This Al Gore sky is falling madness now says global warming is accelerating, moving so fast that only drastic, immediate measures will save our coastal cities such as Boston. The premise is beans-how can we forecast the weather a generation from now, when using the state of the art meteorological technology that exists today, experts can not predict next week's weather correctly? An accurate assessment of climate in a generation is now no more than a politically-tinged guess. Our rights will be restricted based on a formula of lies generated by cap and trade profiteers and professors whose grants are contingent on agreeing with a global warming consensus that science is increasingly showing to be flawed, that the world is actually entering a cooling period, hence the manipulation of language by some to alter "global warming" furor into "global climate change" which advances the same regime of regulation but under a different theory than debunked warming. That a Chinese under a relatively repressive Communist government will have more freedom and ability to select a vehicle, even a large, emission spouting SUV, than formerly free Americans defies logic. We used to be a free country.

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