Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ship to Shore

The United States Navy should be commended today for freeing the sea captain who was being held by Somali pirates. It is amazing that a nation with a trillion dollar defense budget found herself paralyzed for days by a few thugs from a nation where because of HIV, malaria. starvation, and a lack of government almost no one survives to thirty. How can the world be brought low by a band of illiterate kidnappers who probably have never turned on an electric light? Obama at least, at last, gave the navy the latitude to end the crisis among his desultory pursuits which today even entailed picking a puppy recommended by successful drowner Teddy Kennedy. It's a shame Mary Jo Kopechne didn't have a Portuguese Water Dog with her on her last night on earth-maybe it would have saved her from a watery death. See Kennedy and the pirates have something in common-they have both killed people in the water and both are interested in separating people from what they have earned and what is rightfully theirs.

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