Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Equality of Outcomes

In the end, we are all dead. Obama just wants to make sure we are poor first. Barack Hussein Obama will take control of the nation's largest banks-it was always his intention, at minimum, Obama is a socialist at heart, if not an outright fascist or Marxist. Beware a common tactic of repressive regimes. Obama may freeze bank accounts, preventing or limiting withdrawals under the guise of stabilizing the financial system. This has occurred with alarming frequency in Latin American countries. Nations under the sway of leftists such as Argentina and Venezuela have blocked account holders from their own savings as a mechanism of control. When tyranny becomes rampant, accounts are actually seized; separating assets from those who earned/created them. Obama could even go that far. As I said once before in this forum, elect a third world leader, get a third world nation.

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