Saturday, February 17, 2024

Walter, Not Jimmy

I have been made aware that not everyone might know of Walter Duranty and might even think I was referencing the hilarious comedian with the large nose Jimmy Durante. Nope, not the funnyman but the liar and propagandist for the Reds who portrayed the now former Soviet Union as the Workers's Paradise, all the while aware that the Communists were slaughtering millions while delivering misery to almost all the rest. So, no Tucker Carlson is not funny but extremely dangerous, just as Walter Duranty turned out to be. Has Tucker ever seen the really nice, well-stocked grocery store they take visiting dignitaries to in North Korea? VIPs yes- ordinary Koreans in the prison state- no they starve. Ordinary Russians may not be suffering as much as those in Pyongyang, but they do not enjoy freedom there either under the murderer Putin! 

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