Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Deadly Magnet

Fading, corrupt old Joe is killing folks in a number of different ways. His open border mayhem just murdered more than forty trapped on a truck. Virtually everyday, someone drowns illegally crossing the Rio Grande into the US. They are coming in droves, because they know if they make it into America, there is virtually no chance they will be sent back out. This lures them to danger. They also die on trails and in deserts of exposure and dehydration. They are exploited and raped along the way, often being prayed upon by (human) coyotes and drug gangs. They are often forced to carry narcotics with them or do it voluntarily with some becoming rich through smuggling the poison Fentanyl. This drug is particularly toxic and kills many Americans every day. Biden is also incentivizing sneak across with generous welfare and handouts, rarely or never available before to people who entered the US illegally. This is a nightmare regime bent on importing death and causing carnage on both sides of the border to advance what they see as a change in voter demographics that favors their side, all the while rapidly destroying our nation as Founded.

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