Tuesday, June 7, 2022

A Deliberate Obfuscation

One item the Leftists running New York state are banning is body armor. In many of the so-called mass shootings, it has been reported that the perpetrator has been wearing a "bullet proof vest". In almost every case, the gunman has actually been wearing a load-bearing carrier for his magazines that will not block the rounds fired at him by first responders. The Buffalo massacre may be different. That murderer may have indeed been protected by Kevlar or ceramic, but that is the exception rather than the rule. A lot of folks that handle cash or are well-known and therefore targeted own "executive protection concealable armor" to protect themselves and that does not threaten anyone. These devices should not face any bans, but the media has hyped up that law enforcement does not have the ability to take down these mass killers who are better protected than the knights of yore. Almost none of the shooters were even wearing armor and the very few who were could still have been easily stopped by a head shot.

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